Loving Someone Who Loves Alcohol and Drugs
Why did I turn my attention to friends and families of drug users after so many years of focusing just on the users—and on helping…
5 Master Therapists Advise on a Dilemma
Debbie Rothschild, Carrie Wilkens, Barry Lessin, John Kelly and Jeannie Little answer a therapist’s question: Ask an Expert: As a Therapist, How Can I Challenge…
Ask an Expert: As a Therapist, How Can I Challenge My Patient’s 12-Step Beliefs?
Can therapy work when the therapist has a visceral reaction to the client’s closely-held 12-step ideology? Our panel of experts weighs in. https://www.thefix.com/content/ask-expert-how-can-i-challenge-my-patients-12-step-beliefs
San Francisco Psychology Winner of the 2015 Patients’ Choice Awards
The Center for Harm Reduction Therapy has been awarded A San Francisco Psychology winner of the 2015 Patients’ Choice Awards.Verified by Opencare.com
What’s under the harm reduction umbrella? Parts one, two, and three (2015) Little, J, and Denning, P. The Fix Professional Voices.
Harm reduction therapy is poised to be the umbrella for treatment of substance use and co-occurring disorders in the 21st century. First developed in the…
Rethinking Alcohol: Can Heavy Drinkers Learn To Cut Back?
Please click here if you would like to read the article Rethinking Alcohol: Can Heavy Drinkers Learn To Cut Back? by Allison Aubrey.