In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, HRTC has done what we do best – Adapt and continue to meet the needs of the people we take care of.

As you all know, in January 2019, HRTC began building outdoor pop-up mental health centers to reach homeless youth and adults with unmet mental health needs and sometimes risky drug use practices. By the end of the year, we had met more than 2000 people and were working steadily with about 500. “You really get what we need!” said many people. By offering basic hospitality, emotional connection, and an array of therapeutic, medical, and social services, we had created therapeutic spaces in 5 neighborhoods in San Francisco. It was truly a model program.

We were sad to take down our canopies, fold our chairs, and put our mobile kitchen away, but we did it because the beautiful gatherings we were creating every day became a potential hazard for our clients, and for us.

Instead, we picked up messenger bags and backpacks and started walking around in all of our familiar places. Our goal? To stay connected with the people who have come to trust us and to deliver to them whatever we can that they need.

This is what we are doing so far and our services will continue to grow and shift with the constantly evolving needs of our participants.

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